Monday, April 27, 2009


In high school, I did not take a single art class

because I thought it would bring down my GPA,
since I was kinda an academic perfectionist.

I was seriously terrified of exposing my inability
to be remotely artistic.

I still feel no differently about my artistic abilities--
I have just recently decided to care less if people
think my art is terrible....

This weekend--my friend, Rachael, got me a blank
canvas and paints for my birthday.


I don't do art
is what I thought.

But then I tried it--and figured it would be fun....

This is what I came up with--which it is quite abstract
because I know that trying to make anything overly concrete
would simply be ridiculous. And frustrating.

Simply titled: "Peace"

"Jesus got up and rebuked the wind and raging waters;
the storm subsided, and all was calm. "Where is your faith?"
He asked his disciples. In fear and amazement they asked
one another, "Who is this? He commands even the winds and
the water, and they obey Him."

--Luke 8:24-25

The painting itself...probably isn't the greatest...
but I tried!
And I just might have a new hobby. After all, it was therapuetic.

Yet, I wonder...
What in the world am I going to do with this thing?

I have absolutely no idea....

although there is a fireplace in my apartment I have never
used...mmm... :)

It was worth the fun though!


Lyndsey said...

You could hang it on a wall in the dining room and every time it will remind you and I of the Peace God provides us each and everyday!

el chupacabra said...

The blog is also therapeutic isn't it? You definitely have a way with words. Found your page with next blog button. If you think your painting was all that bad- donate it to the Museum Of Bad Art. I think it's in Boston? But, maybe you should keep it since it was your first.

mom said...

I agree with Chupa. When you become a famous abstract artist some day, this "first" painting could be worth a fortune. I feel you have risen to the most artistic person in the family. Congrats.

Kristin said...

unfortunately--I don't think that is saying a whole lot!! Art and our family don't really go together so much. You didn't give us any good artistic genes! geez.

Thanks for the compliment--and maybe I will keep it for sentimental value. :)

And lyndsey--I think you might be rooming up with me soon? Thats exciting!

guess who said...

So, we missed out on the artistic gene pool, yes. Good thing you received good looks, brilliant athletic ability, writing skills, outgoing personality and superior intellegence from your mom and dad.

Kristin said...

I think we somehow also possess humility. Well...maybe just Bryan and I. Probably not Corey. :) But I think its apparent from the last comment that we did not inherit our humility from you, mother! Sheesh.

guess who again said...

Oh, so you think that "guess who" is your mother?? Maybe yes, maybe no.